This page provided to help conferees get around campus during conference.
Below is a map of Allegheny College. The red circles are where we hold different events of our conference.
North Village II is where we house our conferees. Our registration desk will be on the second floor which you may come directly into from the suspended walkway or come in on the lower level and take the elevator up one floor.
Henderson Campus Center is where we have meals and most of our other events including chapel, morning announcements, general sessions, bookstore, and evening events. Meals are on the first floor if you enter from the Gator Quad area. If you enter from the Highland Ave side of the building you will be on the second floor where our conference meeting room is (Room 301/302). There is an elevator for your convenience.
Arnold Hall of Music is where the workshops are located.
Tippie Alumni Center at Cochran Hall is where our Saturday night banquet is held. That is the only event held in this building.
Below are pictures of North Village II where conferees are housed. These photos show parking and entrance points.