What St. Davids Christian Writers’ Conference Means to Me – Donna Wyland

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As a prior attendee of St. Davids Christian Writers’ Conference, I felt both excited and scared to return last summer to what was a new conference location for me. It had been ten years since I attended. Would anyone remember me? Would the same people be there, or would I be met with a sea of unfamiliar faces? What if I got lost on the way? My anxiety rose and fell throughout the four-hour drive.

Fortunately, the moment I arrived (on time, I might add), though most were unknown to me, a familiar face greeted me and welcomed me like an old friend. I quickly turned my tiny dorm room into a writer’s sanctuary complete with printer, paper, various books, and an assortment of snacks. Then I took a deep breath and headed toward “conference central.”

Though I’d been known to burst from my protective shell to cause quite a humorous stir at prior St. Davids events, my overall melancholy nature caused me to sit shy toward the back of the room at the introductory session. Imagine my surprise when complete strangers smiled wide and stepped into my secret world to introduce themselves and their writing to me—quite unlike other conferences I’d attended. Eventually, I spied a few familiar faces and was soon smothered with hugs.

I immediately felt like I was home, happily ensconced in my tribe again, the one group of people who understand my Christian writer’s heart and personality better than anyone else. It is a true gift to be given the freedom to attend workshops as desired, take breaks when needed, and even slip in a sunny walk or afternoon cat nap if that’s what your body and spirit require.

Donna with some friends from 2017. Photo courtesy of Eva Marie Everson.

At St. Davids, we learn. We laugh. We encourage one another. We chat with fellow writers and meet with editors and agents in a casual, stress-free environment where meaningful relationships are formed. It is a conference like no other.

My one piece of advice to would-be attendees is this: In addition to bringing your work-in-progress, a teachable spirit, and a welcoming heart, be sure to bring a fun, unique, handmade, quirky or otherwise item (or two) for the famous St. Davids Auction. It is the highlight of our conference and raises funds to offer scholarships to attendees who might otherwise not be able to participate due to financial constraints.

And bring your checkbook, credit card, and cash to bid on items fellow writers bring. I am quite certain you will find something you want to take home for yourself or someone you love.
If you join our St. Davids family as we “Write into the Wild” this year, I promise you will be welcomed by many who sincerely desire to know you and encourage your passion to write. And you never know who you might meet to help your dreams of publication become reality. Thanks to the advice of Michelle Medlock Adams last year, I signed my first picture book contract last week.

I hope to meet YOU at the St. Davids Christian Writers Conference in June!


Donna Wyland is an author, copywriter, and contributing writer to several published collections of essays and poetry. She specializes in inspirational writing for women and children but has been known to author humorous poetry that she hopes to someday see in print. Donna writes from her home in Powell, Ohio, and from a rustic cabin in the hills of southeast Ohio. She can be reached at www.donnawyland.com and www.freetobe.faith.